training programme

The Synced Method™

The Synced Method has been developed by Seema Chopra to harness the females individual strengths, moods and energy within each phase of their cycle.

Research has shown that unfortunately we cannot apply a one fits all rule for training females around their menstrual cycle, so it’s vital for each individual to understand their symptoms and to feed that into the programme. Thereby a programme is created that is unique and backed by the physiology of female health.

This is EMPOWERMENT for the Active Woman:

Excel in your strengths

Balance training and recovery

Push boundaries during peak cycle strength

Supportive cohort and safe learning space

Safely developing fitness with research-informed strategies

It needs 100% commitment from you!

The Synced Method programme

July 1, 2024
9:00am Greenwich Mean Time

The programme comprises the following activities scheduled for five days per week:

  • Strength training
  • Balance training
  • Metabolic training
  • Cardio
  • Yoga
  • Meditation

How it works

1) You will have a movement assessment conducted by Seema and discuss your training history

2. We will Identify which phase and discuss the symptoms that commonly experience

3) We will identify your work/ life stresses and discuss how best to optimise your weekly schedule

4) A programme will be built for you over 16 weeks, starting with general preparation, then specific preparation followed by competition/ peak performance

5) The programme will be undulating in nature, meaning that each week will be a different intensity and volume. You will do weightlifting, Olympic lifting, Plyometrics, Metabolic Conditioning, Running, Sprinting, Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork. You will receive follow-along videos that will guide your through including rest periods.

6) You will have access to the Active Shakti Spotify playlist

You will need to:

1) Track your symptoms daily. Tune in to how you are feeling before your session and select a preparation sequence from your programme that will best prepare your mind and body for the session

2) Have access to a gym/ or a good range of equipment at home. Barbells are advantageous, but dumbbells are also fine

3) Perform your session & rate & comment upon your experienced intensity at the end of the session. Seema will be immediately notified upon your completion

4) Share videos of your training techniques with Seema

5) Share your experiences with your group (4 maximum) and give each other some encouragement along the way

6) Be available for weekly 1:1 feedback sessions with Seema where training issues, symptom management and ideas can be shared

+ All information is shared with your coach Seema who will adapt your programme according to your personal development.

+ Preparation warm-ups are provided to compliment your phase symptoms such as bloating, fatigue & pain. These will nurture you, build energy and focus you in preparation for your exercise activity.

+ The programme is provided via the Active Shakti app, where follow-along videos, group support and coaching points are provided. It's a nest for your individual health journey and helps you to be accountable for your engagement with the programme.

“16 days into the programme and my usual premenstrual lower back pain is unnoticeable! It feels so good”.

"I learnt how to fit in time for myself, time to do exercise and time for me to relax and become less stressed, a healthier & happier person. Seema understood the stresses of being a mother and, and what that does to your routine. I've learned a lot in terms of five minutes of meditation goes a long way".

“Receiving a video message or voice note at the end of my training week made my connection with Seema, it was warm and encouraging and I always felt that she was there supporting me”.

Taught by Seema Chopra

An expert in women's fitness & the founder of Active Shakti, meaning STRENGTH | POWER | ENERGY. Seema embodies a cyclical lifestyle, choosing to honour her cycle and training to optimise her Shakti. Periodising and applying restorative practices has enabled Seema to live her best life, and now she wants to help you live yours!

Here's how it works